Attached the left wing, we have to do one after the other, since she she has gotten so big, she hardly fits in our workshop anymore…
Very rewarding work, the optics with the aileron and flap on…
Finally, back to riveting. We now lost track of the rivet numbers, I am afraid, so the counter is not updated…
But it was great to work on my contortion skills, that access panel for the pitot box sure was handy on the left wing!
Almost all the wires for the wings are now installed. Lights, pitot tubes and wires, coax for the NAV antenna… especially for the coax, I did not want a connector at the wing root. And since every connector is a possible point of failure, I decided not to have any connectors at all. Hence the wire mess coming out of the wings, which will be sorted and pulled through the fuselage upon final assembly. Ask me later, if I would do it again ;-)
My dad was not happy with the bracket that garmin sells for the roll servo. Always a nice thing to have a retired aircraft mechanic improving things for future maintenance.
Fitting Aeroled wingtip lights involves cutting the wingtip and inserting a specially designed piece for the lights. Glassed that in and fitted the lens. Still some beautifying micro needed…
New wing to replace the one damaged by shipping New wing was built by Van’s due to staffing problems at the Philippine quickbuild facility Some undersized rivets found, otherwise nice work and happy to have the wing