Posts tagged with "Garmin Servo Mounts"

Wings - Aileron Actuation and Roll Servo
Wings · 08. February 2023
My dad was not happy with the bracket that garmin sells for the roll servo. Always a nice thing to have a retired aircraft mechanic improving things for future maintenance.

Tailcone – Garmin Servo Mounts
Empennage · 09. April 2021
Disliked the garmin servo mount bracket for the yaw damper. It needs to be riveted onto a bulkhead, getting these rivets in was hard enough to begin with, so no way we are messing with these again… my dad built a bracket to mount both servos. The new bracket has a lot of advantages: Stop brackets for the pitch servo are riveted onto the bracket, no messing with the teeny tiny screws Both servos mount to the same bracket, the whole bracket can be removed from the bellcrank assembly and taken...